Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey Ya'll!!! Look Amy, I found it!!! Sorry it has been soooooooooooooooooo long, but life has been crazy!!! I can't even begin to cover the last year of my life, so I will pick up with today. Please pray for Cricket...he is having some problems, but hopefully meds will have him back to normal shortly. My babies are good. They are doing homeschooling for K4 and loving it!!! Their teacher is Ms. Wasser, but Steve calls her Ms. Washpot and they have so much fun correcting him!!! They are so funny!!! Life is good and I am blessed! I hope everyone has a great week and holiday weekend(in case I don't get back before then)! Go get some gas and supplies before the hurricane hits! Later, E

1 comment:

amy said...

glad you updated. we've got to get you some pictures on there too
talk to ya later
check your e-mail